Monday I have no idea what I did...that's pretty bad. Then, I got my hair done on Tuesday, and went to work to help with something that I thought my awesome friend was gonna help with and totally flaked, so I ended up going to work on my time off!!! So yeah...and what I played some Devil May Cry 4, beat a couple of missions. I was supposed to run errands for Johns mom, but I didn't know so now everyone is pissed off at me. I also played some Tibia (which I'm still on) and read the Breaking Dawn book (No I haven't finished it yet!!!)
So far my vacation has really sucked! I was supposed to go up to Washington to visit my friend Vicki, but she is actually coming down to visit soon, so that got canceled, I really wanted to go and see some really pretty scenery thou, and go Orca watching!!! I've never been to Washington, and I loooove to travel. Sad that I've only been to 3 states in my entire life! YEAH, SAD!!! So I really need to plan something really cool next year.
My Birthday is coming up next month, and I am gonna be sooo flat broke its not even funny. I gotta re-register both cars and add smog to that, plus renew my license. All of this is due in September. Thats a lot!!! So once again, my Birthday is really gonna suck a lot!!! On top of that, I feel like all my friends aren't really my friends anymore or they just never were in the first place. I just feel promised and played. It's lame, and sometimes I just wanna move and start all over.
Well...thats about all I got tonight...everyone here is sleeping, including the dog, and I'm not really tired. Think I'll have some brownies and milk, hit the sack and look forward to another boring day on VACATION!