Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Frogs vs. Snails

So recently I acquired a snail. Read carefully...one snail. I decided that he would look grooovy with my 2 frogs that I have. I've had my frogs for about 2 1/2 years now, so they've been here a while. So after I decided to add this snail...about a couple of days later, a glob of white dots appeared to have stuck to the walls of my tank. I really didn't think anything of it, so I thought maybe it was the snail pooping or something. No biggie right....WRONG!!! Soon after my tank is covered in these gooey blobs and I'm thinking...eggs? But I only got one snail, so theres like no dude to make them into babies. Wrong again! I now have close to 50 baby snails of all different sizes roaming around in my tank. I know my frogs HATE me now...what have I done?!?!?!?! They won't even sing anymore (yes, they sing). So now I can't even use my tank (thank God finally something happened, I hate that tank) but my other dilemma is that I can't afford another tank for my frogs. So currently I put them into my 'holding' tank that I use when I clean their home tank. Since I gotta toss the other one (sorry guys, but yes, that means snails and all!) I gotta get them another tank sooon!!!! So hopefully I can find a cheap one in the pet store that's not too complicated and has a filter that I can use with my frogs. Just the tiny 20$-30$ one is fine, but I have been ridiculously broke lately its not even funny. So the Frogs win...and the snails go. I might keep one in a tiny glass or something so I can manage it. So wish me luck peeoples!!!!