Friday, June 20, 2008


Well, I just beat Devil May Cry 4, very awesome (Dante's so hot). So now I get to play it on Devil Hunter (hard mode)! A very fun game, I started it 2 days ago, and just played for 5-6 hours after work. So as you can tell, I have no life. My next games I need to beat are Final Fantasy 7, Zelda Twilight Princess, and Kingdom Hearts. I don't know which one to choose. I guess that I gotta wait out DMC4 continuation until John is done with Assassins Creed...Ugh, the wait! So that's what is goin on in my nifty little world. I just wanna say that I am soooo disappointed that I haven't beat Zelda yet! I mean, Zelda is my nick-name...and I've beat them all!!! This one is just kinda hard, and I got stuck (blah...blah...blah...) and I just stopped playin. So I should really get in gear and get it done! OK, so I think I'll get that one goin on next! WooHoo...!!!

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