Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas and the End of a Decade!

Well, wow! First of all, it's been since April when I last wrote about anything! Lets see, John and I broke up back in May...that was fun...Jesse and I are a bit closer than before ;) Haven't really been to the gym all summer, went with Simone a couple of times, that was fun, and nice! Mom has been on and off crazy as usual. Still workin, which is good right now, John is still living with me even thou, and I should be getting into a house hopefully soon! But my issue now is that I really don't know if I should let John move in with me. Everyone of my friends are telling me not to let him move, and I know it would be best (emotionally) if I don't. Financially it would be good for him to stay, but then he has to move out again within 6months to a year, and honestly I think he's just gonna try to prolong that cause it really is convenient for the both of us. But also, if he's there I can't really try to be on my own and have the time for myself, plus I can't really see anyone else cause that would be hella awkward for everyone involved. So, yea...that's my crap right now.
Other than that...Christmas is literally right around the corner and next stop is good old New Years! Christmas I think will be fun! I don't have much of a tree or presents, but that's OK, I think it will be a great time. Then I need to get my resolution list together for the upcoming year, last years list I did pretty good on. I went places, did things...and had a lot of fun! So hopefully I can do more stuff this next year and maybe get my shit together! and maybe write more in the mean time!!!!

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