Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Missing in my life.

It’s been a long time…

…and so many things have happened!!! But not exactly what I want. Still no kids, and boy oh boy, I really want to have kids. 

 I’m more than ready to be a mom and have someone to take care of. All of my friends, even my little brother, have kids now. It makes me super sad knowing that there might be something wrong with me and that I might just be unable to give life, to create a remarkable being. On a side note, Crossfit is going really well, I really love it! Love my job, can’t complain much there. Love my husband, he is really great! Love my dog, my life (except for the kid part), and just everything around me. I started school…YEAY!!!’s online school, but hey, it’s school. So I’m working towards a degree to get myself going somewhere that matters and where I can actually make really good money. Fitness is great, got some good accomplishments going, I need to make a serious list of goals though. Diet is ok…it was really good for a while, then went bad, and now it’s so-so.
 TV is great…went to Comic-Con this year again, it was our second time. Soo exciting, saw a lot of people! Cast of Supernatural, cast of Arrow and The Flash, the cast of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D and the full Avengers cast. Saw Sons of Anarchy cast (minus Jax), and Seth Green. Ninja Turtles pizza guy Ernie Reyes Jr. and even Weird Al Yankovic!  So it was definitely really exciting and fun this year.
More adventures to come…hopefully wrapped up in a blanket with a little one.

Saturday, February 01, 2014

2014-Year of the BadAss!

2014-The year of the bad-ass!
Well, here it is…2014! I thought I would be pregnant by now, but unfortunately that hasn’t happened. So instead, I’m going to brush up on my other skills. I will be jumping head into CrossFit and learning to ride a motorcycle this year!
So I started Crossfit around July 2013…but didn’t really go full on. I started out slow and cautious, since I had soooo many people warn me about how dangerous the sport could be. After about September, I think I started to take it a little seriously. Then I got sick in December, and we went on vacation so I practically missed the entire month! A huge setback. Once January started, I started right back up. More determined to move forward and not be last place in everything that I attempted. Here it is in March, and the Crossfit games have barely started. The first week I attempted the workout and really surprised myself. I completed one of my goals…to complete a workout with the RX weight:  A 10 minute AMRAP (as many reps as possible) of 30 Double Under’s and 15 Power Snatch’s.  The is the second week and now it’s Overhead Squats and Chest-to-bar pull ups. I can barely do a max OHS with 55lbs, the RX is 65lbs for the ladies. Chest-to-bar is a whole other issue…I am still working on just doing kipping pull-ups! So I won’t be able to do even one Chest-to-bar. Just one more thing to work on for my Crossfit Bucket List. First thing was getting the Double Unders. Got that down! Next thing I guess is going to be the Toes-to-bar, I almost have that one. Then the rest that I need to work on will be; kipping pull-ups, strict pull-ups, muscle ups, ring-dips, hand-stands and hand-stand push-ups…and I think that’s it. The OHS I seem to have, just gotta work on balance, and weight...we'll see how it goes!

Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Libra Outlook for 2014!

If you've been a sad and solo Libra, fear not; relationships take ridiculously high precedence in 2014! You surely will not be alone. If you're already hitched, expect a series of mind-blowing lessons and non-stop insight in the realms of romance and long-term commitment. This is your year to uncover and break through any codependent patterns once and for all. If you've been struggling with commitment issues (what Libra, doesn't?) you will have tremendous support from Saturn and the Nodes of Fate to keep you from your usual fence sitting. The big shift takes place in March when the North Node of Fate moves into your constellation triggering a series of very fated, life-altering events and destined relationships that will unfold over the next few years. All of your relationships (not just romantic) will be radically transformed, as will you. The themes of balance, justice, and beauty will be all consuming starting in March when the North Node moves into Libra. You'll feel right in your element as others will also be learning all about the art of diplomacy and compromise with you for a change. Life is about to feel infinitely sweeter in 2014.

Jupiter continues to bring luck and bounty to your career zone during the first half of the year, so take full advantage of this fortunate influence while its hot. The attention and accolades that began last year will continue to take you and your professional status to the next level. If you've been hemming and hawing about how to put yourself out there in the world, this is your year to decide and go for it! No more excuses, Libra -- you've got way too many gorgeous gifts to share. Plus, you definitely do no want to miss this amazing opportunity that comes only once every 12 years. After July, you'll have the same lucky bonus in your house of goals and long-term plans and ambition. This will just strengthen the success that started last summer.
Your social life is about to explode with more networking opportunities and party invites than you will know what to do with, Libra. Starting this summer your friends and social zone are highlighted for the next twelve months. The people you meet will seem like angels and kindred spirits. Your playful and childlike nature is accentuated during this time and life is just filled with fun and pleasure. Your creativity is top notch this year as well because you're feeling more passionate and driven than you have felt in ages. 
This is definitely a year for many splendid things. 