Saturday, February 01, 2014

2014-Year of the BadAss!

2014-The year of the bad-ass!
Well, here it is…2014! I thought I would be pregnant by now, but unfortunately that hasn’t happened. So instead, I’m going to brush up on my other skills. I will be jumping head into CrossFit and learning to ride a motorcycle this year!
So I started Crossfit around July 2013…but didn’t really go full on. I started out slow and cautious, since I had soooo many people warn me about how dangerous the sport could be. After about September, I think I started to take it a little seriously. Then I got sick in December, and we went on vacation so I practically missed the entire month! A huge setback. Once January started, I started right back up. More determined to move forward and not be last place in everything that I attempted. Here it is in March, and the Crossfit games have barely started. The first week I attempted the workout and really surprised myself. I completed one of my goals…to complete a workout with the RX weight:  A 10 minute AMRAP (as many reps as possible) of 30 Double Under’s and 15 Power Snatch’s.  The is the second week and now it’s Overhead Squats and Chest-to-bar pull ups. I can barely do a max OHS with 55lbs, the RX is 65lbs for the ladies. Chest-to-bar is a whole other issue…I am still working on just doing kipping pull-ups! So I won’t be able to do even one Chest-to-bar. Just one more thing to work on for my Crossfit Bucket List. First thing was getting the Double Unders. Got that down! Next thing I guess is going to be the Toes-to-bar, I almost have that one. Then the rest that I need to work on will be; kipping pull-ups, strict pull-ups, muscle ups, ring-dips, hand-stands and hand-stand push-ups…and I think that’s it. The OHS I seem to have, just gotta work on balance, and weight...we'll see how it goes!

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