Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Happy Obama Day!!!

I just wanna say how grateful I am to have such a wonderful person to be our next president! Finally someone to clean up Bush's mess. But at the same time I feel sorry for him, because no matter who is in that office, it will be hard. I am very happy to have someone that has the balls to bring our country back and get it back on track and especially to bring our troops home!
I just want to say that I don't know that much about politics, but I will check things out before I jump into stuff, and from what I know, our troops have basically been fighting for nothing. Just keeping oil safe in Iraq because oil tycoons (Bush, Cheney, and the rest of the cabinet) want to keep their investments safe. Bush is no idiot, he was well trained by his father about how to run the country, and he sure ran it into the ground.
Not too long ago I spoke with a very good friend of mine that served several years in Iraq, and she told me about all the crap that goes on, and that our government has no clue on what's happening over there. We need to get outta that country and get back on our feet! How the hell can we protect our country from terrorists, when were almost close to a recession and economic failure??? And then everyone is blaming 9-11 and all that crap, well I do give Bush props for getting Saddam Hussein. But that should have been the end of it, and it wasn't. That's where I think Bush went wrong, among other things. Bush did choose WAR, and because of that people close to him gained profit from that. When we got hit in Pearl Harbor, it was almost as bad as 9-11, and that got us into a World War.
So anyways...I am once again very happy that Obama will lead us. He is not only very smart, but his wife is even smarter that he is! Plus he picked an awesome vice to help him in areas that he knows he needs help in. He's not afraid to take a challenge and is very family oriented. So the torch has been passed people, get over it! The next generation has picked up the slack, and going forward. Next will we will be able to have the right to gay marriage around the Nation, which should be allowed since we have freedom of religion, it's not up to us to judge people on what they do, they should be able to be happy to do as they wish. But that's another segment.
Lets just be happy and celebrate, for it is Obama Day!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Well, today I voted for the first time in my life, and I'm pretty excited about it. I also want to say that I voted Barak Obama for president and that I believe in him. So GO OBAMA!!!!!!

Saturday, October 25, 2008


Fact Check: Is Obama 'palling around with terrorists'?

The Statement: Republican vice presidential candidate Gov. Sarah Palin said Saturday, October 4, that Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama is "someone who sees America, it seems, as being so imperfect that he's palling around with terrorists who would target their own country."

The Facts: In making the charge at a fund-raising event in Englewood, Colorado, and a rally in Carson, California, Palin was referring at least in part to William Ayers, a 1960s radical. In both appearances, Palin cited a front-page article in Saturday's New York Times detailing the working relationship between Obama and Ayers.

In the 1960s, Ayers was a founding member of the radical Weather Underground group that carried out a string of bombings of federal buildings, including the Pentagon and the U.S. Capitol, in protest against the Vietnam War. The now-defunct group was labeled a "domestic terrorist group" by the FBI, and Ayers and his wife, Bernadine Dohrn — also a Weather Underground member — spent 10 years as fugitives in the 1970s. Federal charges against them were dropped due to FBI misconduct in gathering evidence against them, and they resurfaced in 1980. Both Ayers and Dohrn ultimately became university professors in Chicago, with Ayers, 63, now an education professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago.

Obama's Chicago home is in the same neighborhood where Ayers and Dohrn live. Beginning in 1995, Ayers and Obama worked with the non-profit Chicago Annenberg Challenge on a huge school improvement project. The Annenberg Challenge was for cities to compete for $50 million grants to improve public education. Ayers fought to bring the grant to Chicago, and Obama was recruited onto the board. Also from 1999 through 2001 both were board members on the Woods Fund, a charitable foundation that gave money to various causes, including the Trinity United Church that Obama attended and Northwestern University Law Schools' Children and Family Justice Center, where Dohrn worked.

CNN's review of project records found nothing to suggest anything inappropriate in the volunteer projects in which the two men were involved.

The extent of Obama's relationship with Ayers came up during the Democratic presidential primaries earlier this year, and Obama explained it by saying, "This is a guy who lives in my neighborhood … the notion that somehow as a consequence of me knowing somebody who engaged in detestable acts 40 years ago — when I was 8 years old — somehow reflects on me and my values doesn't make much sense."

The McCain campaign did not respond Saturday to a request for elaboration on Palin's use of the plural "terrorists."

Verdict: False. There is no indication that Ayers and Obama are now "palling around," or that they have had an ongoing relationship in the past three years. Also, there is nothing to suggest that Ayers is now involved in terrorist activity or that other Obama associates are.

~~~In light of this information, I would just like to say this...Get your facts straight before you come to me about my political beliefs. Thanks!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


So lately, well actually just the last 2 days or so, I end up taking time out of my day and just watch people and think. I'm usually in my car when I do this. To me, being in my car, sometimes listening to good music (at least what I think is good, some may disagree otherwise), I just reflect on myself and my life. To tell you the truth, 10 years ago, I would've never thought that I would be where I am at now. I think that I've made it pretty far to be where I am today, and even thou some would think that I am not that successful in my life, they obviously don't know or understand what I've had to go through to get here today, or even be alive today. I've escaped death twice in my existence, and not many people know that. I think about 3 or 4 people know that really. So I just wanted to reflect on myself. So 'Hurrah' to me!!! I have a great lifestyle, groovy car that I love, a good job (lately has unfortunately been a letdown thou), a boyfriend that has really been there for me all along, a faithful doggie companion, loving kitties, and some really great friends. I am generally at peace with myself right now, lets hope this stays like this and I'm good for a while. So thank you everyone for being in my life and having faith in me.

Sunday, August 17, 2008


yeah. its dead. im sad....


So today started off pretty good, and now its really not so good.
Lets see...well, it started off with getting my nails done, no problem. Then I had to return the tank I got for my frog and replace it cause it was cracked and damaged. Got that done. No problems.
Well, when I got home, the one frog in the 'holding tank' was just float'n at the top. They tend to do that here and there, so I just kinda tap on the outside and then they move or do something so I know Im good. Well, today she didn't do anything. Just floating there. I tapped again and she moved a tiny bit. So now I had to act fast and get the other tank up and going. They've been in the other tank for way too long and it was really gross. So now I got everything good, and both frogs are in the new tank. Well the one is still floating and if I shake the tank a bit or tap on the side, she'll move here or there and then just float again. She also is very fat and 'bloaty' and I am really worried now that I didn't help out in time. I am sooo angry with myself right now. I feel so bad that I can't really do much else. Just keep an eye out and watch to make sure she's not dead or she survives this. I am a horrible parent! I would not be a good mom. So the frog is just floating, all fat and it's mouth is open a bit, and I don't know what to do. Then when I go online to these stupid games I play where you create your own farm or world, I find out that I am kicked out of my stupid alliance for being inactive, and it's only been like 2 or 3 days, and people are now attacking me. I am beyond pissed! I actually have a life people!!! I don't sit at the computer day and night playing stupid games. I can't believe this. I am just really not a happy camper right now. I need to go...ugh!!!!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

MY FISH!!!!!

That's lovely fish has died. I had him for 2 days...and now he's gone. So today's not going so well. I should have known last night, he didn't look so grooovy. I was just thinkin that maybe I should move him out of his little tank thing tomorrow, and now its too late. I called the pet store to see if I can replace him, and they said yes. So that's kinda cool. But it was so hard to find my white guy, and now I don't know if I can find a replacement. So I am sad.
Support Please?

Thursday, August 14, 2008

My New Addition to the Family!

So, for a while I've been wanting to get another Beta. I had one as a child, like most of us do, and of course it died about a year later. So for the last 4 or 5 months I've been on the hunt for one Beta in particular...a pure white one with no other colors. Well, it's actually harder than it seems. They either have some with blue or red or even pink. Well, today when I was at Petsmart hunting around for a tank (please read previous blog) I saw this beautiful white Beta. Couldn't resist, so I bought him with my last 4$ (and I did get a tank too for a total of 32$!!!). I've decided to name him Sephiroth, cause my frogs are named Cloud and Tifa (reference Final Fantasy 7 please). I also think it would be cool to get a lava lamp tank for him, how sweet would that be!!!! Well, anyways, my snail family is still over-running the tank. No new news there, but I do look forward to the fish that Im gonna get that will enjoy scarfing down the little buggers soooon!

--->(Sephiroth from FF7)

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Frogs vs. Snails

So recently I acquired a snail. Read snail. I decided that he would look grooovy with my 2 frogs that I have. I've had my frogs for about 2 1/2 years now, so they've been here a while. So after I decided to add this snail...about a couple of days later, a glob of white dots appeared to have stuck to the walls of my tank. I really didn't think anything of it, so I thought maybe it was the snail pooping or something. No biggie right....WRONG!!! Soon after my tank is covered in these gooey blobs and I'm thinking...eggs? But I only got one snail, so theres like no dude to make them into babies. Wrong again! I now have close to 50 baby snails of all different sizes roaming around in my tank. I know my frogs HATE me now...what have I done?!?!?!?! They won't even sing anymore (yes, they sing). So now I can't even use my tank (thank God finally something happened, I hate that tank) but my other dilemma is that I can't afford another tank for my frogs. So currently I put them into my 'holding' tank that I use when I clean their home tank. Since I gotta toss the other one (sorry guys, but yes, that means snails and all!) I gotta get them another tank sooon!!!! So hopefully I can find a cheap one in the pet store that's not too complicated and has a filter that I can use with my frogs. Just the tiny 20$-30$ one is fine, but I have been ridiculously broke lately its not even funny. So the Frogs win...and the snails go. I might keep one in a tiny glass or something so I can manage it. So wish me luck peeoples!!!!

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

...what a lousy vacation...

So. As some of you all know, or may not know, I am on vacation this week. What have I done so far? Well, nothing really.

For starters, I had to drive my friend to Carson on Friday, you really don't wanna know the story, but it cut into my gas and I didn't think that would be much of a problem for our trip the next day and it actually cost me 20 bucks more than I really wanted it too!!! We went to Cali to pick up Johns mom on Saturday, and then came back on Sunday. On the way there I stopped at a gas station at around 9:00 at night and there were a gazillion bugs flying around the lights, a lot of them were mosquito's, and the guys decided to leave the car doors open and not help me wash the windows when I had to take care of the dog. So guess what happened...yeah, all these mosquito's piled into my car. So on the last leg of an hour or so to our destination, we had to keep the windows and sunroof open to get all these guys out. Got most of them, but on the way back the next day, there were still a bunch. I guess I'm really tasty, cause I was the only one that got bit! 18 bites on one foot/leg, and 17 on the other. It always happens. At my last apartment we had a really bad mosquito problem and I was the only one that got bit. So I guess I'm really good-tasting! So that's what I had to look forward to on the way home.

Monday I have no idea what I did...that's pretty bad. Then, I got my hair done on Tuesday, and went to work to help with something that I thought my awesome friend was gonna help with and totally flaked, so I ended up going to work on my time off!!! So yeah...and what I played some Devil May Cry 4, beat a couple of missions. I was supposed to run errands for Johns mom, but I didn't know so now everyone is pissed off at me. I also played some Tibia (which I'm still on) and read the Breaking Dawn book (No I haven't finished it yet!!!)

So far my vacation has really sucked! I was supposed to go up to Washington to visit my friend Vicki, but she is actually coming down to visit soon, so that got canceled, I really wanted to go and see some really pretty scenery thou, and go Orca watching!!! I've never been to Washington, and I loooove to travel. Sad that I've only been to 3 states in my entire life! YEAH, SAD!!! So I really need to plan something really cool next year.

My Birthday is coming up next month, and I am gonna be sooo flat broke its not even funny. I gotta re-register both cars and add smog to that, plus renew my license. All of this is due in September. Thats a lot!!! So once again, my Birthday is really gonna suck a lot!!! On top of that, I feel like all my friends aren't really my friends anymore or they just never were in the first place. I just feel promised and played. It's lame, and sometimes I just wanna move and start all over.

Well...thats about all I got tonight...everyone here is sleeping, including the dog, and I'm not really tired. Think I'll have some brownies and milk, hit the sack and look forward to another boring day on VACATION!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


And not much has really been goin on lately. Lets see....hmmmm....I was reading up on what I had wrote, and boy oh boy am I a loser! I still haven't beaten Zelda, not even attempted it! I am a quarter of the way throu DMC4 on Devil Hunter mode...played a little bit of FF7 and I'm totally thinkin about re-starting it. You really can't put a game down and then months/years later just pick up where you left off at. I know if I start Zelda again, I might have to re-start, and I really really don't wanna do that at all!!!!

Been playin a lot of Tibia! Leveled up my Druid a couple of levels and my Sorcerer as well. I really love playing Tibia. It's fun and not too addicting like those other games like WOW and Everquest. Its very simple, and still complex at the same time. Lots of stuff to do, people around the world to play with and talk to. I generally like this game a lot! Check out the website if anyone's interested, I have a link on the blog you can just click to go to. my Sorcerer, Legendary Princess Zelda, and the sad attempt at a Triforce I laid out on the Desert Sands of Ankrahmun with bags. Sad!

Work is good. It's ok...just work. My friends are good too...except there are a few that I am a bit irritated with, we shall see how that goes. Chai is GREAT!!! He is still the most spoiled, rotten, and most adorable doggie in the whole world. I love him sooo much. He is doing well. His puppy fur is almost gone, and now he's sport'n a very soft new coat. I do worry about him a lot thou. I'm not sure if I can handle a kid when I can't even barely handle a little dog. I worry about him a lot, maybe tooo much!!!! But he is still my baby and I love him with all my heart, more than anyone or anything in the world. I know...he's a dog. But he looks up to me, I'm his 'mom' and I am responsible for everything in his tiny little world. Its strange how animals are. We, people, look up to a 'higher power' for influence, support and guidance. Animals are a bit different. Like my frogs for example. They must think that I'm the all powerful being that every once in a while will supply them with fresh water, and food. It's soo funny, cause every time I'm near them they both come out and hang out and watch me, like I'm expected of something or they're just paying there respects to me. My kitties...they follow me around all the time. Sabbath, the bigger older cat, he is better than my dog. Every morning he will follow me to my car and every afternoon when I get home he is waiting for me to arrive. When I leave randomly, he will follow me too. Even when I walk to Starbucks he'll follow me and actually I have to try to scare him off cause Im afraid some jerk will come tearin down the street and hit him. I love all my animals a lot. Most of all I miss my other dog Jake. He is at my mom's house, and she refuses to let me have him back. She is soo mean and unloving to him. He just hangs out in a cage 24/7 and eats leftover crap and is overweight and lonely. No one walks him, or plays with him, it makes me cry eevery time I think about him. I have tried so hard and Im at the point where Im tempted to steal him away, but there's a bike lock as a collar and chain around his neck so that's not even possible. So sad! I really feel for him. I'm afraid that he won't last another year in his age and shape. Even in one of the only pictures that I have of him it seems he is sad. I think he would make a great companion for Chai! Chai loves to play with the bigger doggies, and he plays really rough too!!! Jake needs to go to a good home with loving people that have a lot of time and patience and a lot of other dogs (Cesar Millan!!!). But that's that...and not much I can do for now. But believe me, I will do what I can when I can to help him out. I am a hard-core animal lover and I hate the fact that everyday more animals are injured and abused than people. Its so terribly sad too cause it's not like they can control it. They run away, and where does that lead them? Well, enough about that for now...Lets see...well, it is getting late. I mean later and I got a ton of stuff to do. Like stupid laundry, dishes, dinner, check my myspace, facebook and my worlds (Ikariam and Travian), and I'm going to attempt to put a little bit of DMC4 in there before bedtime.

Wow...I wrote a lot! Enjoy!!!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

My Thursday off of work...

So, yeah, I'm chillin at home, waitin for the cable guy and Andrea to show up, and I started to check out some friends of mine's profiles on myspace and facebook. of my newest friends has this way funny thing posted on his blog on myspace called Doogtoons Ask a Ninja. Well, I have to say that I am way anti-ninja, I'm a pirate girl! But these are soo hilarious, that I have to post one up just to show y'all what your missing out on!!!

Friday, June 20, 2008


Well, I just beat Devil May Cry 4, very awesome (Dante's so hot). So now I get to play it on Devil Hunter (hard mode)! A very fun game, I started it 2 days ago, and just played for 5-6 hours after work. So as you can tell, I have no life. My next games I need to beat are Final Fantasy 7, Zelda Twilight Princess, and Kingdom Hearts. I don't know which one to choose. I guess that I gotta wait out DMC4 continuation until John is done with Assassins Creed...Ugh, the wait! So that's what is goin on in my nifty little world. I just wanna say that I am soooo disappointed that I haven't beat Zelda yet! I mean, Zelda is my nick-name...and I've beat them all!!! This one is just kinda hard, and I got stuck (blah...blah...blah...) and I just stopped playin. So I should really get in gear and get it done! OK, so I think I'll get that one goin on next! WooHoo...!!!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Mornings Suck!

So yeah, I get to be at work at a ridiculous time of 7am. Why? You really don't wanna know. I really hate the mornings. I always have. I try to get along with them, but it's simply not possible. So here I am, all sleepy and tired. This sucks!!! I wanna go to bed and sleep in til like 10 or noon. But nope. Not until I get a career, and thats a whole other complete and stupid story in itself. So I guess I better finish gettin ready. Start my day and hope it's a good one and that I don't get too bored.

Sunday, June 15, 2008


OK! So yeah, I went camping this weekend with a bunch of friends of mine. I guess when ya hang with cool people and have fun toys it's not so bad. So anyways, we get to Lake Lahontan and first thing we had to do was unload everything ASAP so we could move the Jeep to the shore for the boat to anchor it. So all our stuff is in the sand and were just haulin' to get the tent up and get situated in the dark. So I think that we should invest in a small trailer or something, cause I foresee this happening in the future.

I brought my dog, Chai, and he had a blast! Except now I'm a little worried. He was all over the place and the sand got really hot, and it appears that the pads on his feet may be raw. So I gotta look that up to see if I need to do anything about it. He is totally zonked out right now, poor guy. And this crazy lady smashed his foot in the door at the bathrooms too!

But I know he had a lot of fun! And this other guy that was with us brought his cute boxer dog. Her name is Socks. Chai and Socks played and played...and played a bit more.

The campfire was really nice!I think that it was one of my favorite things. I really loooved the boat thou. Now I wanna get one, or maybe some Sea-Doo's. Even thou the lake was dirty, I still had some fun. Went out on the boat, and caught some fish (we threw them worries).

But yeah. The only thing is that we really need to be a little more organized next time. The tent that was given to us is way too big! and the sleeping bags are nice, but a hard to roll up and put away. We also brought a lot of stuff that we didn't even need. So next time, we'll be way more ready! But all-in-all, I did have fun. I used to really hate camping, but I think that mainly had to do with the people I was with. So now, it's not so bad. I think Chai was sad to go, but there will be a next time!!!!

Sunday, June 08, 2008


Oh My! So yeah, I totally felt the 3.9 today! These Earthquakes are soo freaky, it's not even funny. I have no idea why, but I am terrified of them. The 4.7 we had in April was the worst this year. And it sucks when it's 11pm and your alone in your apartment when the earth starts to shake!!!

Saturday, June 07, 2008

To Start a Blog...

Ok! So here it goes! This is like my first blog. I have no clue on what to write or anything on how this whole thing works, but here I am. So lets see...where to start.
OK, well, I have a good life goin on right now, great friends two kitties and a super cute doggie!!! (His name is Chai after my favorite starbucks drink) My bf is cool, we get along really great, except when it comes to food. Funny huh. Just the decision on where to eat and what to eat is the biggie. Lately he's been really great about helping out with chores and stuff. But enough about him for now...what else. My mom is crazy, I don't need to say any more unless your really interested.
My friends. Yes, I really do have great friends. Sometimes they piss me off, but they are all still there for me if the shit hits the fan.
Well, thats all for now...I gotta get ready to leave. Goin to the Marina for the Humane Society's Walk for Animals. I've never done any kind of walk for anything before, but it's gonna be fun! Drea's also bringing Darin and her doggie Icee. (Darin is her most adorable son by the way) So I say PEACE!