Wednesday, August 20, 2008


So lately, well actually just the last 2 days or so, I end up taking time out of my day and just watch people and think. I'm usually in my car when I do this. To me, being in my car, sometimes listening to good music (at least what I think is good, some may disagree otherwise), I just reflect on myself and my life. To tell you the truth, 10 years ago, I would've never thought that I would be where I am at now. I think that I've made it pretty far to be where I am today, and even thou some would think that I am not that successful in my life, they obviously don't know or understand what I've had to go through to get here today, or even be alive today. I've escaped death twice in my existence, and not many people know that. I think about 3 or 4 people know that really. So I just wanted to reflect on myself. So 'Hurrah' to me!!! I have a great lifestyle, groovy car that I love, a good job (lately has unfortunately been a letdown thou), a boyfriend that has really been there for me all along, a faithful doggie companion, loving kitties, and some really great friends. I am generally at peace with myself right now, lets hope this stays like this and I'm good for a while. So thank you everyone for being in my life and having faith in me.