Friday, December 31, 2010

Libra Outlook for 2011


Oh the lessons you have endured over the course of 2010. You're not the same people-pleasing darling you were a mere 12 months ago. On the contrary darling -- you are in the midst of a powerful process of cultivating the kind of backbone that makes greatness. Thanks to big daddy Saturn you're learning your lessons well in relinquishing laziness, strengthening discipline, and realizing your authority. You're taking yourself more seriously in the arenas where it matters most. (Read: career and getting paid what you're worth.)
Relationships bring plenty of passion, drama and unexpected plot twists especially during the spring. By the time May rolls around you'll be dealing with an unprecedented amount of planetary energy firing up your relationship sector. With six planets including Venus, your ruler and Jupiter, the planet of abundance lining up in your partnership sector you'll be anything but lonely. The challenge lies in staying true to your own needs without getting lost in the persuasive me-me-me demands of your significant others.
Although some of Saturn's lessons will weigh in on a heavier note and perhaps depriving you of any former easy-outs or shortcuts, you have the uncanny ability to take it all in stride. There's something to be said for the inherent Libran laid-back approach to life's challenges. But under current planetary duress you may join the ranks of the stressful millions in your quest for regaining inner peace and unshakable equilibrium. Forever striving for that elusive balance, you're being put through the cosmic ringer when it comes to finding and holding your own with others. But you will get there Libra -- just you wait and see!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas and the End of a Decade!

Well, wow! First of all, it's been since April when I last wrote about anything! Lets see, John and I broke up back in May...that was fun...Jesse and I are a bit closer than before ;) Haven't really been to the gym all summer, went with Simone a couple of times, that was fun, and nice! Mom has been on and off crazy as usual. Still workin, which is good right now, John is still living with me even thou, and I should be getting into a house hopefully soon! But my issue now is that I really don't know if I should let John move in with me. Everyone of my friends are telling me not to let him move, and I know it would be best (emotionally) if I don't. Financially it would be good for him to stay, but then he has to move out again within 6months to a year, and honestly I think he's just gonna try to prolong that cause it really is convenient for the both of us. But also, if he's there I can't really try to be on my own and have the time for myself, plus I can't really see anyone else cause that would be hella awkward for everyone involved. So, yea...that's my crap right now.
Other than that...Christmas is literally right around the corner and next stop is good old New Years! Christmas I think will be fun! I don't have much of a tree or presents, but that's OK, I think it will be a great time. Then I need to get my resolution list together for the upcoming year, last years list I did pretty good on. I went places, did things...and had a lot of fun! So hopefully I can do more stuff this next year and maybe get my shit together! and maybe write more in the mean time!!!!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Whats goin on...?

Well....lets see. I am waiting for summer to start so I can start going outside and doing fun swimming, or skating the marina. Started working out with my buddy Jesse, that was a lotta fun...but now he doesn't wanna go with me anymore, I wonder if I gave him a bad vibe or something??? Well, thats cool, he'll come around, but I got Simone to go with me now, so not a total loss, hope to go tomorrow! My bf right now has been on and off pissing me off...not likin that! Had some serious fights and shit and nothin's resolved. Well, I joined Twitter (again)...the first time I was really confused, so I deleted it. But it seems like everyone is on or theres some cool stuff up, so I did another one. Follow me! 

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Should I take a Chance???

Well, Well...I would say that it is about time, but then I was kinda dreading this day as well. Chance...the infamous 'ex', has decided to contact me once again, this time via facebook. I have to say, he has balls, after everything he's done he has the audacity to try to be my friend once again. Part of me says what the fuck, check it out, I can always delete him. Then part of me says don't even think about it! If I do, well first of all, Johnny will be livid pissed at me....among some of my other friends, and then Chance will also get an inside scoop of my life, which is really not what I want. It took me soooo long to get away from him and now that he's back, its just a bunch of mixed emotions now. I really, truly shouldn't. Then if I decide that I am definitely not gonna let him an inch back into my life, then do I let him know? Well...I am gonna think on this for a bit and really figure it out. Its very, very complex...

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


So, work. Work, work, work...fucking work! Its not so much the company, more like the people who work for the company, and they don't seem to know how to do their job. Its a freaking circus and there are monkeys putting on the show. I mean, it just seems like anyone can b-s their way through an interview and get any old job . People kissin' other people's ass just to get their foot in the door! I'm sorry that I don't brag about myself, and I don't always have a story about being better than everyone. I know I am not very articulate, and I don't really interview well, but I can work my ass off. I can get the job done, plus some! It also helps when you have a 'fair' interview too.....I mean that's just how I feel. And the sucky part is that there really isn't anything you can do about it except be happy you even have a job. And I do realize that work is very, very hard to find right now, but really...and another thing, where has customer service gone? Doesn't it seem like anytime you need help whether it is over the phone or in the store, there is some wise-crack dumb ass that really doesn't wanna help you and could really care less about what the fuck is going on! Companies are just hiring any local scum-bag so they can save some money. But you know what? Karma. That's right, good old fashioned Karma. It's gonna kick in on everyone one of these days and people are gonna have to suck it! yes. I actually think that part of the economy crap that's going on is just the start of it. People aren't gonna wanna do business with companies that have shitty employee's. So, we shall see what happens....

So anyways, I'm sure you can tell that I am a bit bitter...and I only hope that I can get over it by the end of the week. I mean, I really have to suck it up until March, and then hopefully I can breathe and not have to worry about the shit that's making my life a living hell! But I have my real, true friends to thank for helping me keep my sanity, I love you guys!